Semikron Electronics


EPCM  - Engineering, Procurement & Construction Management Site selection,

Basis of Design and Cost Estimate for Greenfield Project in Zhuhai Hi-Tech Zone covering 12000 m2 with 3 F

为其珠海新工厂提供选址服务, 基础设计, 成本估算及全套EPCM服务。

Testo Require: Shenzhen factory relocation to Guangming


Provide: EPCM Service for this relocation work


New Factory Information: China Merchants Guangming Sci. & Tech. Park


West Side of B4 Building / B4 Decoration for the existing building,

which contains six floors (1F Storage, 2F~4F Production, 5F~6F Office), total 11000m

2. B4大楼西侧,共6层(1楼仓储,2至4楼生产,5至6楼办公),总共11000平方米


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